This theme is built using the Mythology Engine theme foundation by Brandon Jones (MDNW).
Mythology Engine has been developed with the sole purpose of creating an efficient method of publishing themes with a streamlined development process. It strives to adhere to best practices while simultaneously extending theme functionality beyond what vanilla WordPress offers. I acknowledge that this is inherently oxymoronic, but that I’ll do it’s best to marry the two edges of “standards” and “features” responsibly.
Mythology Engine is something in-between a framework and a starter theme. It attempts to:
We strive for a simplified workflow using a “less is more” approach to theme options and customization features. A successful theme accomplishes the following:
Custom functions are only used when they are tied into to the theme’s template files.
A Mythology/Core theme consists of two sections:
Section 1: The “Core” set of files (found in the /functions/mythology-core/ folder).
Section 2: The “theme” files (everything that’s not inside /functions/mythology-core/)
We highly recommend using a “minification” plugin with this theme for the purpose of condensing/combining the various CSS/JS files. BWP Minify and W3 Total Cache are excellent plugins that will accomplish this.
This theme provides baseline support for the most popular third party WP plugins by adhering to strict WP-recommended theme standards. Using most plugins will not break a Mythology Engine theme.
If a plugin does break the theme’s layout, please report it using the support link below so we can check it out. This doesn’t mean we can fix it, of course, but we’ll take a look whether or not we respond to the bug report.
This theme does NOT provide full skins or other extended/native theme support for all plugins (unless explicitly stated in the theme features).
This theme is sold and/or distributed AS-IS. We do not provide any support for this theme, including theme-setup, theme-customizations, help with plugins, or anything else related to theme-implementation.
We do encourage users to report bugs though! Please report bugs to:
Our focus is on providing theme-updates over time that (a) eliminate bugs, (b) improve speed and stability and, (c) extend theme functionality.
Mythology Engine has been built to be rebuilt, so use it as you please. It’s fully GPL; Please note that individual themes will usually include plugins that are NOT GPL though… so while the entire theme is GPL (including all PHP, CSS, and JS), we can’t release the theme-packages as such without the permission of the plugin-makers. That means you can’t distribute this theme with the plugins included… if you intend to do so, please remove the files in the /functions/theme-plugins and the /functions/mythology-core/core-plugins folders. You also need to remove any references to those plugins in the /functions/theme-plugin-loader.php file.